On Your Special Day...

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive, who is youer than you.” — Dr. Seuss

Since the very second that the nurse held you next to me, and you nuzzled your soft little nose against my cheek, I knew for sure that my life would never be the same. Oh boy, was that feeling ever so true...

We just celebrated your third birthday, and I must say, these three years have been quite the journey. An unexpected journey, into a world that I knew nothing about, and still feel that I know nothing about. Luckily, we make a great team, guiding each other along the way. 

You have shown me a kind of love and happiness that I never knew existed. The true meaning of unconditional love. If anyone knows about unconditional love, it is families like ours. You have shown me fears and strength that I never knew I had. People sometimes say to me, “I don’t know how you do it.” Well the answer is simple, it is because of you. You are my baby. You give me my strength. 

More importantly, I have also seen great strength in you. One that I didn’t think possible for such a little person to have. You have overcome so much already, and the journey is really just beginning. In a week, you’ll be starting preschool, and I have no doubt that, despite your struggles, you will do amazing. 

You are my little warrior, and I could not be more proud of you, Avery Michael. 

Happy 3rd birthday. <3


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