Little Man, Big Appetite!
Back in the beginning of the summer, Avery had been referred to an occupational therapist for his feeding issues. It was at a rehabilitation center in Springfield, and he was only allowed 6 weeks per his insurance. By the end of the 6 weeks, he still had sensory issues, still could not self feed, and still could only tolerate puréed baby food. Possibly the biggest waste of time. Then, at his 15 month checkup, he was referred to early intervention for both his speech and feeding. It was a long process, but Avery officially started his therapy sessions for feeding the week before Thanksgiving. I was a bit skeptical, but had heard lots of great stories from family and friends so I kept an open mind and kept the positive thoughts flowing. Here we are now, four weeks later, and I am happy and proud to say that we have made HUGE improvements! In only four weeks, Avery has gone from not being able to tolerate any texture at all in his food to eating everything from scrambled eggs to ...